Manufacturers Making Their Own Power

We all know that Nigeria is a country with not enough electricity to go around. For this reason, all the sectors of the nation struggle to get their own fair share to enable economic activity. The country’s industries are not left out of this struggle as the case is manufacturers making their own power.

In The Electricity Hub’s just-concluded Power Dialogue which was held on the 28th of July, conversations were held concerning the Eligible Customer Regulation and the market’s unwillingness to adopt it.

Mr. Ibrahim Usman, the Chairman of the Manufacturers Power Development Company (MPDC), a subsidiary of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), confirmed that members of MAN had spent about ₦150 billion on electricity generation between 2019 and 2020.

Mr. Ibrahim stated that electricity from the national grid is not sufficient for the manufacturers. Although self-generating seemed to be a better alternative, Mr. Ibrahim added that it was very expensive and not sustainable. According to him, with that amount of money, the MPDC is able to generate about thirteen to fifteen megawatts of electricity.

The proper adoption of the eligible customer regulation would benefit the country’s manufacturers greatly. With manufacturers being licensed to purchase power directly from Generation Companies (GenCos), it would prevent the case of manufacturers making their own power.

The entire situation of manufacturers making their own power is quite comical though. When thought of hard enough, it may be justifiable. They are MANUFACTURERS after all.

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