MCFA Unveils Clean Cooking Financing Program in Africa

  • MCFA to finance clean cooking solution providers in SSA.
  • The organisation has launched a call for expressions of interest in six countries.

The Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA) is set to equip companies providing clean cooking solutions in sub-Saharan Africa with finance. The financing mechanism managed by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) is launching a call for expressions of interest in six countries to achieve this objective.
The countries include; the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The call for expressions of interest aims to provide performance-based financing combined with catalytic grants for clean cooking companies to develop and expand their operations in these sub-Saharan African countries.

The funding program is for locally registered companies or committed to being registered in one of the six countries and specialising in distributing clean cooking kits that run on electricity, biogas, bioethanol, and other associated fuels.

According to NEFCO, “The objective of the pre-qualification phase is to verify the compliance of the applicants with the main eligibility criteria and the minimum technical and financial capacity requirements.” Firms selected in the pre-qualification phase will then proceed to a final application stage.


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