Meter Sales – FG to Sanction DisCos


The Federal Government has vowed to sanction DisCos who sell meters to consumers

  • The statement was made by Mr. Ahmed Zakari

The Federal Government has warned of its intention to sanction any Distribution Company (DisCo) caught selling meters to the consumers despite, the implementation of the National Mass Metering Program.

The Special Adviser to the President on Infrastructure, Mr. Ahmed Zakari made this known at an engagement of stakeholders on electricity tariff. In his statement, he said, “We have made it clear through the regulator’s direct order, as well as the intervention from the Ministry of Power that, these meters are to be provided to Nigerians at no cost”. Speaking further, he warned that “If we find any disco or its representatives selling these meters or exploiting Nigerians to be able to get them, we will sanction such disco”.

The FG gave the directive for the distribution of free meters to electricity consumers through the National Mass Metering Program (NMMP) of the administration. The program seeks to improve the electricity sector by ensuring consumers pay for service delivered as well as the creation of jobs by localising meter production in the country.



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