Moagi Calls for a Nondiscriminatory Green Energy Transition

  • Botswana remains committed to the international agreements on reducing emissions toward attaining a green economy.
  • Botswana generates an estimated 789MW of electricity daily, primarily from coal, mainly because of its abundance.

On Friday, Lefoko Moagi, Botswana’s Minister of Minerals and Energy, stated that as much as Botswana remains committed to the international agreements on reducing emissions toward attaining a green economy, the shift from fossils has to be a nondiscriminatory transition and no one should be marginalized.

Moagi made this statement at the energy consultative workshop in Francistown, the second largest city of Botswana. He said, “Transitioning from coal should consider those currently dependent on the resource and how best to serve them.”

Botswana generates an estimated 789MW of electricity daily at its Morupule Power Station, situated in the central part of the southern African country, primarily from coal mainly because of its abundance of about 212 billion tons and cost-effectiveness, according to recent figures from Statistics Botswana.

He said that renewable energy projects producing 135MW are under construction, with a 200MW concentrated solar power plant project currently at the procurement stage.

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