Morocco and UK Sign Cooperation Framework on Climate Action

  • The cooperation framework aligns with Morocco’s ambition to boost its renewable energies sector.
  • The agreement is also an ambition to support Morocco’s sustainable development and its goal to ensure a low-carbon and resilient economy.

Morocco and the UK have reflected their determination to intensify cooperation in sectors like clean energy through the signing of a strategic cooperation framework. Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita and the UK’s Minister of State for the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and the UN, Lord Tariq Ahmed, signed the agreement on Tuesday in Rabat at the fourth session of the UK-Morocco strategic dialogue. The strategic framework aims to help support the two countries’ cooperation in a broad range of sectors, including climate action, clean energy, and green growth.

The agreement is also an ambition to support Morocco’s sustainable development and its goal to ensure a low-carbon and resilient economy. Lord Ahmed commented on the signing: “Another milestone in the UK-Morocco relations as we reaffirmed our common vision for the establishment of a strategic partnership and deepening friendship between our two Kingdoms.”

The UK has long emphasized its interest in expanding cooperation with Morocco in several sectors, including renewable energies and agriculture. Morocco has, in recent years, attracted the attention of many countries that are interested in its potential in the renewable energy sector. During the fourth dialogue session, the UK reiterated its support for Morocco’s efforts and commitment to the UN-led political process in Western Sahara.

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