Morocco Constructs First Indigenous EV Charging Station

  • Morocco has built its first electric vehicle charging station in BenGuerir in Rehamna province.
  • The country aims to assemble 5,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2022
  • French Company, Total had earlier installed EV recharging stations in 15 service stations across the country.

The Kingdom of Morocco has built its first electric vehicle charging station. The project called “iSmart” is 100 per cent locally produced. The charging station was developed by Moroccan technicians at the Green Energy Park; an international platform for testing, research and training set up by the Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN) and supported by the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and the Environment and the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP). The Green Energy Park is sited at BenGuerir in Rehamna province. The park also serves as the assembly centre for the “iSmart” charging stations.

According to the general manager of IRESEN Badr Ikken, Morocco aims to assemble 5,000 recharging stations for electric cars by 2022. He further stated that Each “iSmart” recharging station would be connected to a monitoring platform that facilitates control and maintenance, integrates carbon dioxide sensors and a static and dynamic projector in order to offer several services to users and cities. The charging station will also be able to connect to the 4G and display information and advertising. A platform has been set up to monitor and manage the charging stations in each city.”

The “iSmart” charging station will offer power ranges of 7.5 kW, 22 kW and 50 kW. These charging stations will complement the 15 EV recharging stations installed in service stations by Total in Morocco in July 2018.

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