Morocco Sets New Target of 80% Clean Energy Use by 2050

  • Morocco plans 80% clean energy utilisation by 2050.
  • The Kingdom’s new plans submitted to the UN focuses on 7 objectives.

Morocco has set a new target of 80 per cent clean energy by 2050. In addition, the country’s Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development has submitted a long-term low greenhouse gas emission strategy for 2050 to the United Nations. This new roadmap aims to increase the share of renewables in the country’s energy mix to 70 per cent by 2040 and 80 per cent by 2050. In addition, the new strategy raises the country’s current clean energy ambitions by almost 30 per cent. The ministry believes that Morocco can reach these new targets given the current technological development and decreasing cost of renewable energy. According to the ministry’s statement, “the rapid and continuous drop in the cost of renewable energies and storage validates the orientation taken by Morocco and authorises the adoption of very ambitious decarbonisation strategies focused on the production of green electricity and hydrogen.”

Morocco’s 2050 energy strategy focuses on seven objectives, including consolidating sustainable development’s governance and improving the management and development of natural resources. Morocco expects to reduce its thermal capacity and increase its dependence on smart grid technologies for storage and demand management.

“Once demand is controlled, we can identify four main categories of options: new renewable energies (wind and solar, variable energies), conventional renewable energies (hydraulic and biomass), nuclear energy, and fossil fuels, associated with carbon capture and storage (CCS),” The ministry added.

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