Morriston Hospital: First Hospital Powered by its Solar Farm in UK

  • Morriston Hospital is the first in the UK to be directly powered by its solar farm. 
  • This development is projected to save 1,000 tonnes of carbon and £500,000 per year in bills.

A hospital in Wales has become the first in the UK to be directly powered by its solar farm. The hospital-owned solar farm has surpassed expectations by providing enough electricity to not only contribute to the daily power needs of Morriston Hospital in Swansea but also to cover 100% of its demand for 50 hours.

It is estimated that the hospital has already saved an estimated £120,000 in electricity bills since it was switched on in November and is projected to save 1,000 tonnes of carbon and £500,000 per year in bills.

Welsh Government’s Minister for Climate Change Julie James said: “We want our energy to come from community-owned and locally run renewable energy sources in Wales. This will ensure that our supply is resilient, reliable and reasonable for our planet and our pockets. We have bold ambitions to decarbonise the public sector by 2030.”

Morriston Hospital depends not only on the powers of its staff but also on the energy-hungry machines to keep its patients alive and well. The hospital has blazed the trail in its switch to renewables, which makes sense financially and to the health of Wales.

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