MOZAMBIQUE: EDM to Replace Obsolete Equipment


  • EDM to replace obsolete equipment
  • Budgets MT8 million for the project

Mozambique state-owned Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) has begun the replacement of obsolete equipment and installations in the Maputo neighbourhood. The works aim to improve service delivery to the affected areas.

The Director of Customer Service EDM, Eduardo Magaia, stated that the project would include the replacement of low voltage cables, metallic pylons amongst others. The project will cost MT8 million and is expected to last for about two months. At least 3,700 consumers will benefit from the project. “The great benefit consumers will have better quality without the current frequent power cuts because the network is obsolete,” Magaia said.

Magaia also stated that the EDM would upgrade electricity meters with modern designs in a bid to reduce electricity theft which has become rampant in the country.

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