MOZAMBIQUE: EDM Undertakes Connection and Maintenance Exercise


  • Panjane and Messano, connected to the national grid
  • The electrification projects were carried out under the Energy for All programme

Mozambique state-owned utility Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) announced on Friday the connection of Panjane and Messano to the national grid. The two administrative posts are located in the Districts of Magude and Bilene in the southern provinces of Maputo and Gaza.

The EDM carried out the electrification programme under the government of Mozambique’s ‘Energy for All’ programme which aims at connection all homes in Mozambique to electricity by 2030. The project cost about $1.5 million and consists of 33km medium voltage line, two 100 kVA transformer posts, 7km of low voltage distribution lines and 124 lampposts for public lighting.

The EDM is also carrying out network maintenance works on the electricity network in Maputo. It has began replaing obsolete cales and pylons Malhangalene in Maputo. The Director, Customer Service in KaMpfumo District, Eduardo Magaia has said maintenance exercise will last for three months and will improve service delivery to consumers in the affected areas. He added that the replacement of obsolete equipment will help the EDM, reduce power theft and other technical losses in the system.

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