Mozambique to Deploy Floating Solar Plant

  • Mozambique’s EDM is set to conduct a feasibility study for a floating solar plant.
  • EDM plans to deploy the plant at the 44MW Chicamba Hydroelectric Power Station.
  • Interested applicants have until January 28 to apply. 

Mozambique’s state-owned utility, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), has issued a request for expressions of interest seeking consultants for a feasibility study for a utility-scale floating PV project. The project will be deployed at the 44MW Chicamba Hydroelectric Power Station located on the Ruvue River in Manica province. EDM plans to fund the feasibility studies with financing from the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Read Also: How Africa Can Benefit from Floating Solar Plants

According to the statement, “the services included under this project are to conduct a full feasibility study of a floating solar PV power plant in Chicamba Reservoir outlining … technical viability; … financial viability; [an] environmental impact assessment for the power plant infrastructure and interconnection lines and also the environmental impact on the dam and marine ecosystem; and [a study of the] socio-economic aspects of the proposed floating solar PV project in order to guide EDM and other local stakeholders in its decision-making process.” 

If constructed, the project will be the country’s first floating solar power plant, almost doubling the country’s current solar capacity. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the country had only 55MW of solar installed in 2020. 

Interested consultants have until January 28 to submit their applications. Interested applicants can download the Request for EOI document here

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