NADDC to Accredit CNG Vehicle Conversion Workshops in Nigeria

The National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC) is poised to begin the accreditation and certification of workshops for converting vehicles to run on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in Nigeria. This initiative aims to enhance safety and maintain high standards within the industry.

The announcement was made by the Director General of NADDC, Mr. Oluwemimo Joseph Osanipin, who was represented by Dr. Fidelis Achiv, Director of Research, Design, and Development, during a recent Stakeholders Engagement Meeting in Abuja.

Dr Achiv emphasized the necessity of the workshop, given the sensitivity and flammability of gas used as an energy source both domestically and for transportation. “NADDC, as the regulatory agency of the automotive industry, is committed to creating an enabling environment for the adoption of CNG as an alternative and cheaper transportation fuel,” he stated.

He also referenced President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Presidential Compressed Natural Gas initiative, which is a continuation of the National Gas Expansion Programme.

The Director General urged all stakeholders to support the President’s clean and alternative energy agenda for Nigerians. He assured that NADDC would maintain quality service delivery in all certified workshops.

“Nigeria must leverage its natural gas resources to power the automotive sector. Over the years, the Council has organized sensitization and awareness campaigns on the safety and benefits of using AutoGas (CNG) as an alternative to petrol and diesel,” he said.

Engr. Zayyanu Tambari Yabo, the program coordinator and regulatory compliance facilitator for the Presidential Compressed Natural Gas Initiative (PCNGi), echoed the call for stakeholder cooperation. He projected that by 2027, approximately one million CNG vehicles would be produced, and the sector would attract investments exceeding N3 billion.

This concerted effort is part of Nigeria’s broader strategy to diversify energy sources and promote environmentally friendly alternatives. The NADDC’s initiative is expected to impact the automotive industry significantly, driving the transition towards cleaner fuels and contributing to economic growth through substantial investments in the sector.

The accreditation and certification of CNG conversion workshops represent a significant step in ensuring this technology’s safe and efficient adoption. With stringent guidelines and oversight, NADDC aims to foster a reliable network of conversion facilities that meet international standards.

This initiative underscores the Council’s dedication to fostering innovation and sustainability within Nigeria’s automotive industry. The NADDC’s move to certify CNG conversion workshops is a proactive measure that aligns with global trends towards cleaner energy. It promises to transform Nigeria’s transportation sector, providing economic, environmental, and social benefits.

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