Nairobi Set to Host Africa Energy Forum 2023 (AEF); KenGen Selected as Country Host

KenGen has also been no stranger to sharing its expertise and success stories through the lens of conferences. The organisation hosts an annual Good-to-Great Global Innovation seminar to give a voice to innovators from across their teams, to charge development, and to entice new ideas for the next phase of evolution. KenGen also hosted its inaugural annual Sustainable Energy Conference last year, and plans are underway to hold the second edition later in the year.

The Company’s constant strive for improvement is especially poignant given that it was first incorporated in 1954 with the mandate to generate electricity through the development, management, and operation of power plants. Regular restructurings, strategic pivots, and investment boosts have ensured that KenGen has moved with the times throughout its tenure, making it a natural fit for AEF. This event has similarly sought to stay abreast of current challenges while keeping ahead of the curve regarding future power requirements.

KenGen Chairman, Julius Migos Ogamba, says: “Since its inception in 1954, KenGen has made considerable inroads in Kenya’s energy sector. With an installed electricity generation market share of 65 per cent and an installed capacity of 1,904MW, KenGen is the largest energy producer in East Africa. In Africa, KenGen works with electricity agencies in Ethiopia and Djibouti, providing geothermal drilling services.”

Davis Chirchir, Cabinet Secretary for Energy and Petroleum, Republic of Kenya. “Taking place under the important theme of ‘Africa for Africa’, we look forward to welcoming AEF’s many partners and developers from across the world, as well as our colleagues from across Africa’s ministries and public sectors — all of whom are welcome, and we are grateful for their efforts to reduce the energy deficit, both regionally and across the broader continent.”

Mr Chirchir continues, “We have already formed an inter-governmental Task Force to ensure that the forum’s delegates have an exceptional experience with us in Kenya. This Task Force, which includes the Ministry of Tourism, is also supporting those planning to explore our great nation beyond the borders of Nairobi City to enjoy safaris in numerous parts of the country and several areas of outstanding national beauty along the coastline.

Facilitating energy investment in fast-growing economies – EnergyNet has produced investment forums and executive dialogues for Africa and Latin America’s power sectors for the last 25 years – in Europe, the USA, Asia and across Africa and Latin America. Also, the Electricity Hub are proud media partner in this year’s event.

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