NAMIBIA: NamPower Gets Green Light for Tariff Increase

Namibia Power (NamPower) has gotten the green light to implement an increase in electricity tariffs. This comes a the continent is reeling from the effects of low tariffs and the high cost of supplying electricity to the end-users. NamPower cited the need for infrastructural development as the reason for the increase in the retail tariff for electricity.

In addition to the rising cost of electricity tariffs, there has been a 7 cents per litre increase in petrol and diesel costs; Consumers now pay 148 cents as fuel levy up from 141 cents. This increase has resulted in a 5% increase in road user charges. Namibia currently faces a drop in economic activities and a rising cost of living with a 3.9% increment in the country’s cost of food and services. The country’s water company also faces a potential increase in water tariffs.

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