Nationwide Blackout, TCN speaks

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has announced that the National Grid had experienced multiple trippings on the network. In a statement released, General Manager, Public Affairs, Ndidi Mbah said, “The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) regrets to inform electricity consumers nationwide that at 11:25 am today, the nation’s electricity grid experienced multiple trippings, which led to the collapse of the system’’.

She also assured consumers that, the restoration process has begun nationwide except for some locations. She said, “TCN has since commenced grid restoration; power has been successfully restored to every part of the country except, Calabar, Ugwuaji, Markurdi, Jos, Gombe, Yola, and Maiduguri axis. The effort is, however, ongoing to ensure full restoration nationwide”.

TCN has expressed apologies for any inconvenience the outage has caused consumers nationwide.

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