NEF Sets Up Solar Drying Facilities for Local Communities

  • NEF sets up a solar drying system for the fishing communities of Langbasa and Sagbokoji.
  • Mr Adebayo Adegoke, NEF’s Business Coordinator, said that the project aimed to help coastal communities in Lagos boost their fishing activity.
  • Dr Abiodun Ayojesutomi of FCFMT Lagos says facilities will aid the preservation of seafood.

The Nigeria Energy Forum (NEF) has inaugurated a solar dryer and cool room for the Lagos fishing communities of Langbasa and Sagbokoji to improve the preservation of seafood in the country. In a speech at the ceremony, Mr Adebayo Adegoke, NEF’s Business Coordinator, said that the project aimed to help coastal communities in Lagos boost their fishing activity. According to him, research has revealed a high level of post-harvest waste due to a lack of preservation facilities.

Adegoke further stated that the scheme would benefit communities in preserving their fish, maximizing profits, and minimizing losses. “Fishing is the economic mainstay in many coastal communities of Lagos. However, Nigeria only produces about 30 per cent of fish needed by her teeming population, thus creating a huge demand gap.
“Fish production is characterized by wastage due to inadequate preservation systems and unsustainable processing methods”.

“The project is a pilot programme, which NEF intends to reach out to other communities outside Lagos soon,” Adegoke said. He said the project was funded by the Global Environmental Facility of UNDP, Institute of Fishery, Victoria Island.

Dr Abiodun Ayojesutomi, a lecturer at the Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology in Lagos, also spoke at the event, saying that the facilities would aid communities in preserving their seafood.

“The whole idea is to provide them with a storage facility so that the products can have extended shelf life,” she said.
Meanwhile, Chief Adesanya Muyideen, the Chairman of Fishermen Cooperative Association, Langbasa, said they were happy over the project. Muyideen thanked the forum for coming to help fish farmers and promised they would make good use of the facilities.

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