The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has berated the Association of Power Generating Companies (APGC) calling for restraint on what the Commission calls disrespectful comments. The Commission was reacting to the call by the Generation Companies (GenCos) for the scrapping of the regulatory body. NERC, therefore, cancelled a scheduled meeting with GenCos.

The Executive Director APGC, Dr. Joy Ogaji, has continued to strongly advocate for an independent and transparent regulator. In its latest publication, APGC accuses NERC of being incompetent, lacking in leadership, and unable to perform its obligations. The APGC says, “It is therefore unbelievable and puzzling that notwithstanding the overwhelming mandate that is ascribed to NERC, especially under Section 96, the sector is bereft of the impact of a strong leadership”.

“A regulator should be proactive and reactive at the same time, but more proactive to deal with the dynamics and changes to both local and global factors. Experts, however, argue that NERC has exhibited more reactive than proactive tendencies in the discharge of their duties”, says APGC.

Responding to the publication, NERC says, “The Commission duly notes that APGC is not a licensee in the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry, but it would not be defensible for you to bifurcate yourself from its actions as the APGC has acted as an agent for a disclosed principal that is a licensee of the Commission”.

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