Neuman & Esser Secure Contract for Construction of 1-MW Green H2 Plant

  • Germany’s Neuman & Esser is set to build its first green hydrogen plant in Chile.
  • The resulting hydrogen is for vehicle charging stations and to power the furnace of the fractionation plant.

Germany’s Neuman & Esser is set to build its first green hydrogen plant in Chile following the permit of the Chilean state-owned hydrocarbons company Enap.

The location of the 1-MW plant will be at the Cabo Negro complex in Chile’s Magallanes region. Also, the Vientos Patagonicos wind farm, majority-owned by Enap, will power it.

The resulting hydrogen is for vehicle charging stations and to power the furnace of the fractionation plant in Cabo Negro.

The German engineering firm won this contract by tendering. The project will involve installing electrolysis units, storage, and a charging station and developing a training plan for Enap’s workers.

Other Enap projects in the green hydrogen sector include adapting its terminals and improving the logistics infrastructure for green hydrogen and its derivatives in the Magallanes region.

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