New Energy Storage Discoveries

With renewable energy systems taking over the global energy demand, new energy storage technologies are being discovered.

Energy storage is the system of trapping energy produced at one time for use later to aid imbalances between energy production and demand. Batteries are the devices used in storing energy.

Over time, there have been several complaints about battery storage devices’ durability, cost, and longevity that deter customers from switching to renewable energy sources like solar home systems.

Some new energy storage discoveries to mitigate these challenges have emerged. They are:

1. Longer charges: Most batteries are alkaline (for small electronics) or lithium( for large electronics) electrolytic cells. However, the challenge of long-lasting batteries remain. New technologies predict that using lithium and cobalt cells could increase battery discharge times – up to 10 hours which is valuable for storing solar power at night and increasing the range of electric vehicles. In addition, lithium-Cobalt batteries are advantageous to other battery types in being lightweight and durable.

2. Safer batteries: In the transition to clean energy, energy storage systems must be eco-sustainable. Typically electrolytes are in a liquid state and move around the cell to balance out the charge of the electricity flowing out of the battery. These electrolytes also contain flammable materials, which could leak out, causing overheating or melting the battery.
Scientists in this light are developing solid electrolytes, making batteries more robust, thereby making them durable and safe (learn more).

With these discoveries and inventions, the future of renewable energy becoming the world’s major energy source is feasible.

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