NextEnergy Solar Fund Wins 86 MW of Solar Power Capacity

  • NextEnergy Solar Fund Ltd has won 86 MW of solar power capacity in the latest UK CfD.

NextEnergy Solar Fund Ltd, the listed investment company managed by NextEnergy Capital Group, has disclosed that it has won 86 MW of solar power capacity in the latest contracts for difference (CfD) auction in the UK. 

Support has been secured for 100% of the generation capacity of its 36 MW Whitecross and 50 MW Hatherden photovoltaic (PV) parks in Lincoln shire and Hampshire, respectively. The index linked to inflation (CPI) 15-year contracts will come into force from March 31, 2025, at a strike price of GBP 45.99 (USD 55.25/EUR 53.97) per MWh.

Expectations are that the Whitecross solar park will be ready to commence operation in the first quarter of 2023. The plant is already being constructed. Meanwhile, grid connection and construction mobilisation works are underway for the Hatherden scheme, with the plant’s commissioning scheduled for the first half of 2023.

The CfD auction’s fourth allocation round was announced last month. It secured nearly 11 GW of clean energy, including almost 0.9 GW of onshore wind and more than 2.2 GW of solar.

NextEnergy Solar Fund owns 865 MW of combined solar power and battery storage capacity. The assets are located in the UK and Italy.

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