NIGERIA: Blame Low Generation on Poor Utilisation – Ogaji

  • Low utilisation of available capacity cause of low generation

The Executive Secretary of the Association of Power Generation Companies (APGC), Joy Ogaji, has refuted claims that the poor supply in the country is due to insufficient electricity generation. Ogaji stated that the low generation in the country is not out of the lack of capacity but poor utilisation of available capacity.

“There may be many reasons for the seemingly perceived poor or lack of generation. I want to state for the records that no single generation company is allowed, by the system, to send out its available capacity.” Ogaji said.

“I stand to be corrected with facts, not political claims. I repeat, all Gencos are sub-optimally dispatched, with many units idle.” she added.

The APGC, according to Ogaji, had carried out a frequency analysis test from January to October this year and found that the operator of the national grid did not adhere to the Grid Code S. 15.3.1 requiring the national grid to maintain a specific frequency. She added that the frequency issues on the grid cause low utilisation of energy generation.

“But do you know what causes high frequency? It is not low generation but poor utilisation of generation which forces the System Operator to ramp down the Gencos,” Ogaji said.

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