NIGERIA: Despite Interventions, Metering Still a Challenge – Experts

Despite the Government’s National Mass Metering Program (NMMP), consumers are still forced to procure meters despite the notion that the meters are free, according to the National President, Association for Public Policy Analysis (APPA), Princewill Okorie. Okorie stated that the sector has failed to take advantage of the intervention to improve metering infrastructure in the country.

Okorie lamented that, despite the NMMP intervention, consumers are forced to purchase meters which, according to the NMMP, is free. He added that the programme’s impact has been poor and compounded with the continuation of estimated billing for consumers despite the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Authority (NERC) regulation banning estimated billing.

President Nigeria Consumer Protection Network (CPCN), Kunle Olubiyo,  has called for a review of the NMMP and a dedicated port for the easy importation of critical metering infrastructure. ”Getting a meter is still like a camel going through the needle. Some consumers have their money but can’t even get a meter although it is meant to be free”, Olubiyo said.

Olubiyo called for the dedicated port that would enable the local assemblers to seamlessly clear their kits, adding a need to address inherent foreign exchange challenges. Last week, the Meter Asset Providers (MAPs), in a memo to President Buhari, asked the Federal Government to address several challenges hindering their performance, including foreign exchange rate, customs challenges etc.

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