NIGERIA: Kano to Generate Up to 150MW From Waste

  • Kano state plans to generate 150MW from waste
  • The project is implemented through a PPP

The Kano state government has entered into a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with waste management firm Capegate Investment  Limited. Capegate plans to generate up to 150MW of electricity through waste products in the next five years.

The firm’s Group Chief Operating Officer, Bello Abba Yakassai, said: “We are going to convert High-Density Plastic (HDP) tyres into burnable oil. LDP plastics will be used for recyclable purposes. From pure water leather, shopping bags and water bottles etc.”

“Our hope is that by the end of next year, we will generate 10MW of electricity from the waste in Kano. And every year after that, depending on how the typology of waste changes, we should be able to generate 30MW, and so we are hoping to generate 150MW in Kano in five years and more than what Kano requires. We are also considering generating 2MW of solar to power street lights of Kano,” Yakassai added.

Yakassai also stated that the firm has recruited 200 graduates and will employ over 5,000 in 20 years. ”We have recruited 200 fresh graduates. We are targeting to employ over 5,000,” he said.

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