NIGERIA: Minister of Power Explains Delays on the Mambilla Hydropower Project

  • Minister of Power explains delay on Mambilla hydropower project
  • Court case filed against the Ministry of Power

The Minister of Power, Engr. Abubakar Aliyu who was at the House of Representatives for the Ministry of Power’s budget defence explained the delays affecting the Mambilla Hydropower project. The Ministry of Power has budgeted a total of ₦302 billion for 2022.

Addressing the House of Representatives, Aliyu stated that the Mambilla Hydropower project has been hindered by legal issues. ”Someone has taken us to court to claim that he was the initial contractor for Mambilla and the Chinese, who are supposed to bring money for the construction withheld their money because of that arbitration and it is not in Nigeria.” Aliyu said.

“It has been taken to Paris, which we have been working seriously even before now. And now we have reactivated discussions and we are working on that to see how we can pull down that encumbrance. Actually I would not want to continue to talk on that since it is something that is being negotiated at a certain level.” he explained.

“Once you say much about it, it may affect what is going on since we have not reached any agreement on anything yet. But we are working day and night to see how we can resolve that issue.” Aliyu stated.

The Ministry of Power proposed a budget of ₦301 billion , with ₦294 billion as capital expenditure.

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