NIGERIA: Nigeria Among Top 7 Gas Flaring Countries in the World

The World Bank has released its report titled “Gas Flaring Tracker Report”. The report focuses on data for 2020. Russia, Iraq, and Iran are the top three countries in the world with high rates of gas flaring.

Nigeria comes a distant 7th on the list behind, USA, Algeria, and Venezuela. Nigeria flared a total of 7.20 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas in 2020 alone. This is a 0.63bcm change from 7.83bcm in 2019. According to the report, there was a 5% reduction in global gas flaring. In 2019, global gas flare stood at 150bcm to 142bcm in 2020.

The top seven gas flaring countries in the world contribute a total of 40% of the world oil production each year. Russia, Iraq, Iran, the United States, Algeria, Venezuela, and Nigeria have for the past nine years, have maintained their position in the list of top seven gas flaring countries in the world.

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