NIGERIA: Nigeria Falls to 20th on Gas Producer Ranking

  • Nigeria ranks 20th gas-producing country

Nigeria, previously ranked as the 8th top gas-producing country, now ranks 20th globally. The President of the Nigerian Gas Association (NGA), Mr Ed Ubong, made this known at the Ghana Gas Forum (GGF).

Ubong also noted that Nigeria’s daily domestic consumption had dropped to1.2 billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d) with not enough gas for electricity generation and industries.

”…when you ask how much of that gas we are actually bringing to the surface, we begin to move backwards from eighth to 20th. When we ask a more pertinent question of how much of the gas we actually consume in our power and industrial sector to create jobs that will translate into economic growth, we further move backwards to top 50.”

“We need policies like the one-district-one-factory across Africa. We need industries close to where we have rural and urban centres that are actually manufacturing goods and services and are also employing people,” Ubong added.

Nigeria currently has 206 trillion cubic feet of proven natural gas reserves and over 600tcf unproven reserves.

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