Nigerian Petroleum Ministry Adopts AI in Oil and Gas Sector

  • The Ministry of Petroleum Resources has revealed that it is adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) in exploration and production processes to increase efficiency.
  • Ella stated that the federal government places a high premium on gas infrastructure development and supply.

The Ministry of Petroleum Resources has revealed that it is adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) in exploration and production processes to increase efficiency and reduce costs in the country’s oil and gas sector.

“By adopting AI technologies, we aimed to increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and minimise environmental impact,” Petroleum Ministry representative Ella said.

Speaking at a meeting with ministry staff in Abuja, the Permanent Secretary, Nicholas Ella, said the move aligned with the current administration’s priority areas.

He also noted that the cardinal objective of the engagement was to underscore the ministry’s effort to comply with the presidential directive issued in January this year to “unlock the energy sector and natural resources for sustainable development.”

To understand the enormity and urgency of the tasks before the ministry, he urged officials to appreciate the vast energy needs of Nigerians – to power homes and industries.

Moreover, he added, “On embracing technological advancements, the ministry initiated programmes to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the oil and gas sector. AI was utilised to optimise exploration and production processes, enhance predictive maintenance of equipment, and improve decision-making through data analytics.

He noted, “By adopting AI technologies, we aim to increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and minimise environmental impact, thereby positioning Nigeria’s oil and gas sector at the forefront of innovation. Committees were established to oversee these initiatives and ensure their successful implementation.”

Ella stated that the federal government places a high premium on gas infrastructure development and supply, demonstrating this with the launch of the “Decade of Gas” programme and ensuring Nigeria expands the supply and distribution of gas as the major source of energy.

However, he said that the government was significantly expanding gas infrastructure, including the AKK Gas Pipeline Project, the OB3 Gas Pipeline Project, and the ANOH project being undertaken by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC).

He said these projects are geared towards ensuring an efficient and widespread distribution of gas, positioning Nigeria as a leading gas-powered economy.

“We will also ensure the full implementation of the Enterprise Content Management by filling documents digitally, providing easy access to data and information, and storing them in line with legal requirements,” Ella said.

Furthermore, he told the ministry’s staff that there would be zero tolerance for indiscipline, urging every ministry employee to live above board and act in accordance with service rules.

The ministry, he stressed, will implement a robust performance management system, setting clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for departments and agencies.

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