Novartis Egypt Promotes Sustainability

  • At the just concluded COP27, Novartis Egypt reaffirmed its commitment to sustainability.
  • Novartis Egypt’s efforts to date have translated into a Total Environmental Impact of $178,000 and we’re proud of the progress achieved by our technical operations site.

At the just concluded COP27, Novartis Egypt reaffirmed its commitments to sustainability, mainly saving water and energy saving fonts. In addition, the company participated in high-level panel discussions and shed light on its efforts championing climate action and showcasing on-ground progress.

The Head of Technical Operations at Novartis Egypt, Islam Anwar, said: “Our ambition is to be a catalyst for positive change and our continued investment in our planet supports our purpose to reimagine medicine to improve and extend people’s lives”. Also,  Head Site Development & Engineering, Sherif Emam,  added, “In 2021, Novartis committed to becoming Net Zero by 2040. Novartis Egypt’s efforts to date have translated into a Total Environmental Impact of $178,000 and we’re proud of the progress achieved by our technical operations site”.

The Novartis Gender Panel discussed Novartis’s efforts to support women’s health and empower women on their career journey. The Head of Public Affairs, Novartis Egypt, Amr Nasr, said, “Our ongoing collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Health within the framework of the Presidential Initiative for Women’s Health is a pillar of our commitment, On the women’s empowerment front, Novartis is committed to achieving gender balance in management by 2023 and we’re making progress; globally, women now make up nearly 51% of our overall workforce, with 45.8% women in management and 30.8% women on our Board of Directors”. 


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