Nuclear Energy: Zimbabwe to Collaborate with Russia

The Southern African country of Zimbabwe has approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Russia concerning nuclear energy. The MoU was agreed upon with State Atomic Energy Corporation, the Russian state-owned company.

This agreement has been proven to be important to Zimbabwe as it needs ways to meet its increasing energy demand. More so, when the country recently discovered Uranium deposits in some of its districts. The MoU includes the probability of constructing a nuclear science and technology centre in the country, alongside creating workgroups to improve cooperation between the two countries.

Read also: DPA to Build EV Charging Stations in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe has since depended on its Lake Kariba as a hydropower source; however, increasing climate change effects have led to a drop in water levels, making it difficult to produce an adequate amount of electricity to meet the country’s energy demand. This further increases the county’s need to find an alternative energy source.

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