OFID, SEforALL to Increase Access to Clean Cooking

  • OFID and SEforALL are collaborating to expand clean cooking solutions in SSA.

The Opec Fund for International Development (OFID) has entered into a partnership agreement with the Sustainable Energy for All organisation to promote access to clean cooking solutions.

In the partnership, OFID and SEforALL plan to join efforts to facilitate the financing of the access to clean cooking globally, notably in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). According to a report from OFID, approximately 2.6 billion people still lack access to clean cooking solutions, with the lowest access rates recorded in SSA.

OFID notes that the global cost of using traditional fuels for cooking is estimated at $2.4 billion per year, while funding for clean cooking solutions falls far short of the $4.4 billion needed annually to ensure universal access by 2030.

“Through the Energy Compact process, unlocking much-needed financing, and providing data and analysis, we will accelerate progress toward SDG 7 and ensure a just and inclusive energy transition that leaves no one behind,” Damilola Ogunbiyi, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Sustainable Energy for All and co-chair of UN-Energy stated.

Both organisations are also planning to co-organize events to facilitate the sharing of perspectives between green cooking solution providers, governments, and financial institutions.


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