ONCF Shows Significant Footprint Reduction, Carbon Neutrality

  • The Office National des Chemin de Fer (ONCF) has prioritised environmental preservation and decarbonisation.
  • Key actions contributing to this achievement include the acceleration of the energy transition, with 90 per cent of electric trains now running on green energy

The National Office of Railways in Morocco—Office National des Chemin de Fer (ONCF)—has prioritized environmental preservation and decarbonisation in its operations and Sustainable Development (SD) initiatives. In line with international best practices, ONCF conducted a comprehensive carbon footprint assessment for 2023, which revealed a significant reduction in carbon emissions.

Despite the growing popularity of train travel, recognised for its substantial benefits to the community, ONCF’s 2023 assessment highlights a marked reduction in its carbon footprint compared to 2022, showcasing the organisation’s commitment to sustainable practices

20 per cent Reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions: Emissions were reduced to approximately 297,000 tonnes of CO₂ equivalent (down from 371,000 tonnes in 2022), with nearly 28 per cent of these emissions being exogenous and directly linked to upstream and downstream travel.

Improved Carbon Intensity for Passengers: Carbon intensity per passenger dropped by 7.83 g CO₂, with each 52.8 million passengers generating only 13.02 g CO₂ per kilometre travelled—a figure nine times lower than car travel.

Reduced Carbon Intensity in Freight Transport: A reduction of 5.38 g CO₂ was recorded, bringing carbon intensity to just 23.37 g CO₂ per kilometre per tonne for the 17 million tonnes of goods transported.

These impressive reductions in CO₂ emissions, equivalent to removing 4,740 cars from the Casablanca-Rabat motorway daily or providing one year of heating for 10,900 households, demonstrate ONCF’s effective decarbonisation strategy.

This success is attributed to ONCF’s strong commitment, proactive initiatives, and the dedicated mobilisation of its workforce and partners. The 2023 carbon footprint performance reflects the organisation’s resilience and its forward-thinking approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Key actions contributing to this achievement include accelerating the energy transition (90 per cent of electric trains now run on green energy), efficient resource management, enhancing operational excellence, and providing innovative services.

Additionally, ONCF has focused on developing intermodal transport, adopting eco-driving and eco-design practices, implementing alternative photovoltaic energy solutions at stations and buildings, optimising production and waste treatment processes, and promoting the circular economy. The organisation has also achieved ISO 14001 & 50001 certifications for its sites, conducted impact studies for major projects, issued certified ‘green’ bonds, and formed partnerships with specialised environmental organisations.

ONCF’s steadfast commitment to ecological transition and sustainable mobility aligns with Morocco’s Vision Royale, which places sustainable development at the core of its national agenda. With a long-term goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2035, ONCF is determined to reinforce the eco-responsible ethos of rail transport as a cornerstone of sustainable mobility, ensuring socio-economic prosperity for future generations.

Rail transport remains a leading choice for eco-friendly travel, accounting for just 0.47 per cent of Morocco’s total GHG emissions and 2.6 per cent of the transport sector’s emissions while playing a crucial role in passenger and freight mobility.

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