Oryx Energies: Solar Power Strategy Launched in Senegal

  • Oryx Energies Senegal is now operating a service station equipped with solar panels.
  • The nation has initiated a policy of popularising solar equipment for households and communities since the early 1980s.

Oryx Energies Senegal is now operating a service station equipped with solar panels to cover a significant proportion of its energy requirements. The service station in Dakar has a canopy made of transparent solar panels manufactured by the German producer Sonnenstromfabrik, a quality leader in solar modules. As one of the pioneers of the energy transition in sub-Saharan Africa, the nation has initiated a policy of popularising solar equipment for households and communities since the early 1980s.

Stephen Paris, Chief Financial Officer & Chairman of the ESG Committee at Oryx Energies, said, “This installation, the first for our group, is part of our ESG and solar energy strategy for our industrial, commercial and administrative sites. This strategy covers the next three years. We have a budget of US$ 4 million to reach an expected production capacity of almost 4 GWh/year”. In line to deliver robust performance and a stylish look and feel, the purpose-built canopy has a panel output of 24 MWh/year. It covers 40% of the service station’s energy requirements and represents a capital investment of US$ 40,000.

Oryx Energies plans to expand the number of its service stations in Senegal, benefiting from solar power along with ongoing projects in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, and Mali. In addition, the company has formulated initiatives for Gambia, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania, covering 150 service stations by 2025.


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