World Bank Refutes Claims it Provided Guarantees to Ghana IPPs

World Bank did not provide any guarantee to IPPs. The media has reported the World Bank…


NDPHC to audit IPPs The objective of the audit, to restore idle gas plants The Niger…

VRA-BPA Merger Could Undermine Energy Security – ASEC

The Africa Sustainable Energy Centre (ASEC), a leading energy think-tank, has issued a stark warning to…

Federal Government Renegotiates IPP Contracts to Lower Electricity

The federal government is currently renegotiating contracts with independent power producers (IPPs) to reduce electricity rates…

Pakistan Renegotiates Power Contracts to Curb Soaring Tariffs

Pakistan is renegotiating contracts with independent power producers (IPPs) to address unaffordable electricity tariffs. Soaring energy…

New NDPHC MD Adighije Aims to Boost Energy Efficiency

Engr. Jennifer Adighije has been appointed as the new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of…

Michigan’s Clean Energy Law Challenges UP’s Natural Gas Plants

Michigan’s new climate legislation mandates that utilities shift to entirely “clean” electricity sources by 2040, presenting…

Independent Power Producers in South Africa Seek Fair Deal Over Output Curbs

South African independent power producers are seeking compensation for revenues lost when adhering to state utility…

FG, Welbeck Electricity Explore Power Supply for Free Trade Zones

The Nigerian Federal Government and Welbeck Electricity are negotiating to provide reliable power to free trade…

Pakistani Minister Seeks Revision of Chinese Power Contracts

Pakistani Minister for Power Awais Leghari has called for revising the contracts with Chinese power producers…