Why the 2024 World Environment Day is a Big Deal for Africa

World Environment Day 2024 is centred on land restoration, halting desertification, and building drought resilience under…

Tesla Faces Lawsuit Over Emissions

The Environmental Democracy Project said it has filed a “citizen” lawsuit under the Clean Air Act…

Up-NEPA: Innovative Solar Power Solutions for Nigeria’s Future

In Griot Studios’ Up-NEPA documentary, which is supported by the MacArthur Foundation and will be premiered…

Delay in Shutting SA’s Coal-fired Plants May Cause Death, $bn Loss

An air-quality research agency said delays to the planned closures of coal-fired power plants proposed by…

Powering Tomorrow: Bioenergy’s Vital Role in the Renewable Revolution

The ongoing energy transition represents a significant shift in energy production and systems, aiming to embrace…

Hydrogen-Powered Cars: Breaking Down the Technology

With the world’s increasing focus on sustainable and clean energy sources, hydrogen-powered cars have emerged as…

Electric Buses: Cleaner, Quieter, and More Efficient City Transport

As our cities continue to grow and pollution levels rise, the need for eco-friendly transportation options…

The Impact of Electric Vehicles on Nigeria’s Energy Landscape: Opportunities and Challenges

Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionising the transportation industry worldwide, providing a cleaner, more sustainable alternative to…

The Rise of Electric Two-Wheelers: Revolutionising Urban Mobility in Developing Countries

Urban mobility has long been a persistent challenge for developing countries. With rapidly growing populations and…

Global LNG Demand to Rise Above 50% by 2040 – Shell

Shell, a British energy group, forecasted that world demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) would jump…