Adoption of Clean Energy Technologies in Nigeria: Barriers and Solutions

Clean energy technology could be referred to as an umbrella term for producing power without having…

AfDB Launches African Green Bank Initiative

The African Development Bank has launched a new initiative to promote resilient, green and sustainable growth.…

KfW and AFD Provide €600 Million for SA’s Energy Transition

The French Development Agency (AFD) and the German Development Agency (KfW) are providing €600 million in…

Solar-Powered Weather Radar Network to be Installed in Ethiopia

Four C- band weather radars are to be installed in Ethiopia. Vaisala approved the project to…

Africa Requires $190bn Achieve Energy Goals – Sobogun

Sahara Power Group estimates 190 billion worth of investments annually to meet Africa’s energy goals. Africa…

EU Signs Stategic Agreement with Namibia on Hydrogen

The Namibian authorities have just signed a “strategic” partnership with the European Union (EU) on raw…

Mirova Funds $5m for BioLite’s Solar Home Systems

The funding for BioLite has been disclosed by the investment firm Mirova SunFunder at $5.3 million.…

BOAD to Devote $1.3 billion to Green Projects by 2025

The West African Development Bank (BOAD) has pledged to devote $1.3 billion to green projects in…

UNDP Launches the Africa Renewable Energy Forum at COP 27

UNDP launched the  Africa Renewable Energy Forum (AREF) at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, under…

AllianzGI, EIB Announces $100m for RE Investment

Allianz Global Investors and EIB announce a combined $100 million fund for renewable energy projects. The…