EU Provides €7 Million for Rural Electrification in Ivory Coast

EU supports the Ivorian government in electrifying rural communities. The government of the Ivory Coast is…

Lights, Current, Action: Electricity and Nigeria’s Economic Awakening  

  It is no news that energy poverty remains a critical challenge in Nigeria. The majority…

GAEPP Provides $50M for Clean Energy Access Via UEF

GEAPP allocates $50m to the Universal Energy Facility. The organisation plans to mobilise $100 billion over…

Osinbajo Urges Developed Countries to Fund Africa’s Energy Transition

Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, Nigeria’s Vice President, calls for ultimate support of the African energy transition. Osinbanjo…

REPP Finances Electricity Access to One Million People

REPP has reached the milestone of one million people electrified through its funding in Africa. REPP…

UN to Boost Africa’s Clean Energy Plans

UN announces plans to boost clean energy transition in Africa. The United Nations (UN) has disclosed…

The Barriers to Optimising Clean Energy Solutions in Nigeria

Clean energy solutions have expanded from an isolated industry to one that is viewed as effective…

Putting EVs on Nigerian Roads

The transportation sector remains one of the largest emitters of carbon globally. Emissions from transport vehicles…

Nigeria will Close Power Access Gap through Productive Use Finance – Panel Discussion

With over 100 million Nigerians without access to the national electricity grid, solar mini-grids are becoming…

Nigeria: FG Flags Off Electric Motorcycles for Rural Mobility

Ministry of Power unveils electric-powered motorcycles. MAX Nigeria manufactured the motorcycles. According to a report from…