African Electricity Markets in 2022: Top 5 Focus Areas

  As Africa looks to recover and improve energy access following the slowdown due to the…

Championing Energy Transition in Nigeria’s Electricity Landscape

With mounting concerns for the earth’s climate and natural environment, the world has adopted several strategies…

The Blame Game: Why Africa Needs a Flexible Energy Transition

  As discussions and commitments to climate action take the fore in international relations, there is…

The Irony of COP26

Many conversations have stemmed from the just concluded COP26 event in Glasgow, Scotland. Unfortunately, these conversations…

What Goes Up

Quite famous is the saying that “what goes up must come down”, although it has proven…

Beyond COP26: Will A Quick Transition Ground Africa’s Economy?

  Glasgow this past week has been abuzz with dignitaries from all walks of life –…

COP26 – Daily Updates

Day 11- Cities, Regions and Built Environmental Day Today’s discussion and commitments are geared towards ensuring…

#COP26 and Other Trending Buzzwords

Every news outlet, media station, and social media platform are jumping on the globally trending topic…

Apple to Deploy Solar System in Nigeria

Apple plans to transition 175 suppliers to clean energy. As part of its Power for Impact…

NIGERIA: Vice President Osinbajo to Attend UN Event on Energy Transition

Osibanjo to attend High-Level UN Event 2030 Net-Zero target high on the agenda In a statement,…