Was There an Electricity Tariff Increase in September?

  As global energy prices skyrocket, there has been a markedly increase in electricity tariffs. Unfortunately,…

Cost Reflective Tariff: Do Peri-Urban & Rural Areas in Nigeria Really Need 24/7 Electricity?

  One feeling unites Nigerians across various religious, ethnic, and geographical landscapes: that sense of distaste…

KENYA: Interior Cabinet Secretary Orders a Financial Audit of Kenya Power

Interior Cabinet Secretary orders financial audit of Kenya Power Government uncovers large scale mismanagement of utility…

Electricity Tariff Poll

Several types of electricity customers account for the nation’s electricity consumption. There are five main customer…

The Tariff Review Processes

The electricity sector as a service industry has the main objective of delivering electricity to consumers. Like…

ZIMBABWE: Tariffs Will Continue to be Reviewed in Line With Inflation – Minister

Tariffs will continue to rise in line with inflation ZETDC last month raised tariffs by 30%…

SOUTH AFRICA: Sakeliga Pushes for Independent Control of Electricity Tariffs

Sakeliga asks Courts to establish a ”Special Master” Seeks independent control of electricity tariffs South African…

Service-Based Tariff; Do You Know Enough?

As electricity customers, how enlightened are you regarding the process in which electricity tariffs are calculated?…

ZIMBABWE: ZESA Tariffs to go Up by 25%

Zimbabwe state utility to review tariff upwards ZETDC cannot meet debt obligations Tariff review necessary to…

NIGERIA: FG Seeks Consumer Cooperation on Tariff Increment

FG seeks consumer cooperation on tariff increment Urges for calm as NERC implements minor review Says…