Egypt and Mauritania, BP’s Potential Green Hydrogen Hubs

BP has signed separate memorandums of understanding (MOU) to explore opportunities to create hydrogen hubs in…

BP Signs Green Hydrogen MoU with Egypt

BP has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Government of Egypt to explore the…

Djibouti Signs MOU for 10GW Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen Project 

The government of Djibouti has signed a memorandum of understanding with developer CWP Global to move…

EU signs MoC with Japan on Hydrogen 

The European Union has signed a memorandum of cooperation (MoC) with Japan MoC to focus on…

EU Signs Clean Hydrogen Cooperation with Japan

The EU and Japan sign a memorandum for renewable and low-carbon hydrogen. The long-term objective of…

EU Signs Stategic Agreement with Namibia on Hydrogen

The Namibian authorities have just signed a “strategic” partnership with the European Union (EU) on raw…

Air Products, Associated British Ports Collaborates for Large Scale Green Hydrogen Production

Air Products and Associated British Ports (ABP) have confirmed their collaboration to deliver the first large-scale…

South Korea Plans Joint Production of Green Hydrogen 

SK E&S collaborates with Korea Southeast Power generation to produce green hydrogen and ammonia. SK E&S…

Canadian Oil Producer Plans Shift to Hydrogen Production

Irving Oil plans to shift to low-carbon and green hydrogen production. The project should become operational…

Mackenzie Estimates Huge Hydrogen Demand from Oil and Gas Industry

The global refining industry could create 50 million tonnes of hydrogen demand annually. Wood Mackenzie has…