The Impacts of Fuel Subsidy Removal on Electricity Pricing and the Power Sector in Nigeria

Nigeria’s fuel subsidy has been a significant policy and economic issue for several decades. The country…

Energy Intelligence and its Applications in the Nigerian Power Sector

Energy intelligence is a critical aspect of the modern power sector, enabling stakeholders to make informed…

The Prospect of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in the Nigerian Power Sector

The Nigerian power sector is encountering significant challenges due to a lack of investment, an aging…

Virtual Power Plants, Benefits and Possible Applications in the Nigeria Power Sector

Virtual power plants (VPPs) are an emerging technology in the energy sector which allows the aggregation…

TCN and DisCos Apportion Blames over The Nigerian Power Sector Performance

The Market Operator, a unit in the Transmission Company of Nigeria, TCN and electricity distribution companies,…

Nigeria’s Power Sector Is Struggling — Collaborative Business Models for Distributed Energy Resources Can Help

Of the approximately 200 million people in Nigeria — sub-Saharan Africa’s largest economy — 85 million…

Exploring Career Opportunities in the Power Sector 

The current wave of unemployment in Nigeria keeps hitting with more intensity. Each year, there are…

The Why and The How: Decarbonizing the Power Sector

Power generation is one of the prime contributors of greenhouse gases as power generation globally is…

Mojec Calls Out Energy Theft in Power Sector

Enlightenment and engagement are vital to reduce the menace of energy theft. Mojec International is closing…

Crucial Challenges and Feasible Remedies of the Nigerian Power Sector

The enormity of the economic, social and environmental effects of failed efforts to end the electricity…