UK to Develop 8 Nuclear Reactors as Part of New Energy Scheme

The United Kingdom has developed a new energy strategy to include the development of nuclear reactors.…

World Health Day: Improving Health Systems Via Renewable Energy

There is a soothing feeling one experiences when in a hospital with access to power. The…

Energy Efficiency: An Investment in the Future 

Sustainable energy development comprises the dual components of renewable energy and energy efficiency. While the world is…

RMI Appoints Leaders to Increase Energy Transition in the Global South

RMI intends to accelerate global participation in the global South energy transition plan. Raul Alfaro-Pelico and…

Green Hydrogen Potentials in Africa’s Energy Transition

The energy mix in Africa is evolving, and several changes are being made in how energy…

World Bank Authorises $55million to Increase Energy Access in Djibouti

World Bank approves funding to boost energy access in Djibouti. The interconnection project aims to improve…

AfDB Proffers Local Currency Credit to Nigeria’s Clean Energy Developers

AfDB addresses financial issues for renewable energy Anita Otubu, NEP Chief Project Manager, says the government…

Increasing Access to Clean Cooking Solutions in Africa

In rural communities, cooking with biomass such as wood fuels and crop residues, charcoal, and kerosene…

Empower Energy Receives Fund to Provide Solar Systems in Africa

AGF grants finance to Empower Energy for solar system deployment in Africa. The project is being…

Austria Commits US$276 Million for RE Development

Austria races towards energy independence with the use of renewable energy. The country aims to reduce…