Vestas Set to Introduce 15MW Wind Turbine

Vestas will move to consolidate its position in the offshore wind turbine manufacturing market. The company…

Perfect Gifts for Your Loved Ones This Valentine

It’s only a few days away from the annual celebration of love – Valentine’s day where…

Alternating and Direct Current Like Chalk and Cheese

Electricity is nearly a commodity we can’t do without like food. Benjamin Franklin couldn’t have done…

REA Commissions Hybrid Solar Mini-Grid in Gombe

The hybrid mini-grid system has a total capacity of 85kW. The project comprises an energy storage…

Infinity to Construct 300 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Across Egypt

The charging stations will have the capacity to charge 2 to 6 vehicles simultaneously. The company…

Norfund Invests $15 million in Solar Home Systems Deployment in Kenya

Norfund will join the BLK1 scheme to provide financing for Kenyan SHS developer d.light. It is…

Buy-Us Solar to Provide Solar Pumps to Farmers in Burkina Faso

The solar pumps will present a cost-effective option for farmers in the West African country. The…

The Development Bank of South Africa Launches €200m Green Bond

The bond is being offered under a framework in partnership with the AFD. The scheme will…

Electricity Access To Boost Tourism In Mozambique

The South-Eastern country’s tourism sector is underexplored. 100 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves discovered.…

Starsight Partners with UPDC to Increase C&I Solar Power Deployment

Starsight has partnered with Facility management company UPDC to increase C&I solutions provision. This partnership promises…