Koïca Finances Trainings in energy efficiency

The “Capacity Building of Local Authorities in Energy Efficiency” initiative in Morocco is financially supported by…

DREAM, to Power Agriculture in Africa 

Agriculture is an essential part of Ethiopia’s economy. The initiative on Wednesday launched nine renewable energy…

CDP Lends €100m to the AFC for Ecological Transition

The Italian development finance institution Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) has granted AFC a €100 million…

Germany Plans Huge Hydrogen Investments

Plans to support international partnerships on green hydrogen with EUR 3.6 billion. Germany plans to support…

Algeria Prepares New Legislation for the Energy Transition

Algeria commences work on new legislation for the transition into green energy. The legislation will support…

What is Required to Meet Nigeria’s Climate Targets? – Panel Discussions

Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) commitments, the Energy Transition Plan (ETP) and the revised climate change…

South African Municipality Endorses Mega Clean Energy Project 

Solar PV plant to deliver 1.8MW of power. Power system to deliver electricity to the grid.…

AfDB to Provide $27.39m for Ghanaian Off-grid Solar Project

AFDB approves a $27.39 million grant for Ghana’s RE development The Ghana Mini-Grid and Solar Photovoltaic…

Waste-to-Hydrogen Project Set for Development in Egypt’s Suez Canal Hub

The Suez Canal Project will produce 300,000 tons of green hydrogen per year at half the…

Championing Energy Transition in Nigeria’s Electricity Landscape

With mounting concerns for the earth’s climate and natural environment, the world has adopted several strategies…