Orange and Bboxx Collaborate to Deploy Mini-grid in DRC Community

DRC, Bboxx and Orange Collaborate on a mini hybrid solar power plant in Bagira. This collaboration…

Vattenfall Wins CfD for Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Project

Vattenfall secures contract for difference in the UK auction. The contract strike price is  £37.35 per…

Lisarb Energy Opens Lisbon Office

New Portugal office to develop 1 GW of projects across Europe by 2023. Lisarb Energy, a…

RMI, LHGP Collaborate to Develop Renewable Embedded Generation in Nigeria

RMI and LHGP collaborate to unlock REG development in Nigeria. REG might open up 5 GW…

Algeria Prepares New Legislation for the Energy Transition

Algeria commences work on new legislation for the transition into green energy. The legislation will support…

5MW Hydroelectric Plant to be Inaugurated in Rwanda

Mauritius Prime Minister and his Rwandan counterpart plan to inaugurate a 5MW hydroelectric plant in Rwanda.…

Kenyan Airways to Buy 40 Electric Flying Taxis

Kenya Airways signs a purchase agreement for 40 electric flying Taxis. Allan Kilavuka, CEO of Kenyan…

Siemens Gamesa to Provide Wind Turbines for Scottish Offshore Wind Project

Siemens Gamesa will supply wind turbines for an offshore wind project in the UK. The turbines…

Local Currency Funding to Boost PAYGO Solution for Clean Energy

The Republic of Benin to receive 107,000 high-quality solar home systems. The European Investment Bank collaborates…

Zembo Installs Charging Stations for Electric Bikes in Uganda

Battery Exchange stations have been deployed for electric motorcycles in Uganda. Solar Electricity is being used…