ENI Signs Green Hydrogen Partnership Agreement with Egypt

ENI has partnered with Egypt to develop green energy. Egypt plans to invest $4bn in green…

Is Regulatory Uncertainty Still Considered a Barrier to Investment in the NESI?

Is there a gap in the Nigerian Energy sector? Yes, there is. Are there existing challenges…

SEFA Approves Record Number of Transactions in 2020, Secures $90 Million in New Funding

The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) approved seven high-impact projects worth $54 million in 2020,…

ETHIOPIA: AfDB Approves $83.6 Million Funding for Cross-Border Electricity Trade

The AfDB approves $83.6 million funding facility To boost cross-border electricity trade between Ethiopia and Djibouti…

GreenYellow to Deploy 1.56 MWp Solar System for Senico

GreenYellow is set to deploy a 1.56MWp solar plant for Senico. The Plant will be deployed…

Daystar Power Secures $20m Facility from IFC

The facility will help Daystar Power deliver against its project pipeline in Nigeria.  Today, Daystar Power,…

GCF Approves $170.9m in Co-Financing for AfDB’s LEAF Programme

  The GCF has approved $170m in financing for AfDB’sLEAF programme. The programme aims to strengthen…

Amazon Carbon Footprint Grows by 19% in 2020

  Amazon’s carbon footprint grew by 19 per cent last year. The company emitted over 60…

Kuwait Finances Waste to Biogas Units in Egypt

  Kuwait’s national bank has provided a $95,000 grant to construct waste to biogas facilities in…

Côte d’Ivoire Launches Tender for Two Solar Power Plants

Côte d’Ivoire has launched a  tender for the construction of two solar power plants. Developers will…