Are We Loud Enough? Can They Hear Us?

The discussions on climate action and the necessity of cleaner energy sources have been recurrent. Millions…

EABL Reduces Carbon Emissions by 95% annually

East African Breweries PLC (EABL) sets to increase its share of renewable energy in its energy…

LONGi Sets New Record for Silicon Solar Cell Efficiency

The new world record in efficiency for silicon cells is now 26.81%. Improving efficiency and reducing…

Engie to Build a 3,000 MW Wind Farm in the Gulf of Suez

Engie signs a contract with the Egyptian authorities to develop a 3,000 MW wind farm. The…

AllianzGI, EIB Announces $100m for RE Investment

Allianz Global Investors and EIB announce a combined $100 million fund for renewable energy projects. The…

ECREEE, GGGI Announces $75m for RE Facility

ECREEE and GGGI propose EREF for business growth in West Africa. The facility is said to…

COP 27 -Daily Updates

Day 10-  Climate and Biodiversity: The 1.5°C window. The 10th day of the COP27 forum, themed…

Electricity Projects Inaugurated in Kogi State

Electricity and energy projects are capital intensive; therefore, implementing such projects cannot be borne by the…

World Bank Approves $497 Million For South Africa’s GHG Emissions

World Bank approves South Africa’s request for $497 million project. The power sector accounts for 41…

EM-ONE to Deliver Reliable Power for University of Abuja

EM-ONE will design and build an advanced microgrid at the University of Abuja. This project will…