Paskistan’s Floods Linked to Climate Crisis

  • Researchers link Pakistan’s Monsoon floods to climate change
  • Floods of this magnitude are expected to reoccur once in a century.

Pakistan experienced devastating floods from June that left about 1500 people dead and tens of thousands homeless, with an estimated damage of $30 billion due to high disaster rainfall linked to climate change. According to a network of leading researchers, the World Weather Attribution Initiative, The country of Pakistan experienced a horrific monsoon rainfall that left about a third of the country under water last month. This disastrous event is speculated to reoccur in 100 year time.

The research also showed that Balochistan and Sindh provinces experienced seven to eight times their typical monthly precipitation. According to a senior lecturer in climate science at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Friederike Otto, The monsoon rains are disastrous high disaster rainfall events that have become more severe due to climate change.

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