Perenco Kickstarts Production Offshore Congo

  • Perenco Congo General Manager Stéphane Barc stated that the wells “clearly demonstrate the capacity and know-how of the Perenco Congo team.
  • The production wells were hooked up between March and May this year, enabling the company to kickstart production following the fields’ discovery 39 years ago.  

Independent hydrocarbon producer Perenco announced the start of production at the Boatou field, located off the coast of the Republic of the Congo, with the commissioning of four wells. The production wells were hooked up between March and May this year, enabling the company to kickstart production following the fields’ discovery 39 years ago.  

Producing up to 4,5000 barrels per day, the start of production follows a final investment decision made in 2020 – one of the only two made on the continent that year. Perenco and its partners – La Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo (15%), Africa Oil & Gas Corporation (5%) and PetroCongo (5%) – will tie production into existing infrastructure located at Likouala, 7km away. 

Perenco Congo General Manager Stéphane Barc stated that the wells “clearly demonstrate the capacity and know-how of the Perenco Congo team. Finding sailor-made solutions for marginal fields, delivering them quickly, efficiently and safely, points to a promising future in the Republic of Congo.”

Source: Energy Capital&Power

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