PGE Seeks Permit to Develop Offshore Wind Projects Off Poland

  • PGE files for local permit to build offshore wind projects in Poland

Polish utility Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE) revealed that it had filed three applications with Poland’s ministry of infrastructure, seeking location permits to build offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea. It explained that it aims to use three areas in Polish waters, and it submitted applications jointly with fellow utility Enea for two of them.

In late 2021, PGE, Enea and their peer, Tauron Polska Energia, signed conditional agreements to develop four offshore wind projects off the coast of Poland. PGE previously partnered with Danish energy major Ørsted on the 2.5GW Baltica offshore wind development.

PGE now says it is actively involved in securing location permits. The company has filed applications for five out of six available areas, saying it was not interested in the sixth location.

The PGE Group aims to build at least 6.5GW of offshore wind power capacity by 2040. Currently, it is developing projects totalling some 3.5GW.

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