Portugal Solves Energy Crisis with Floating Wind Farms

    • Portugal considers floating wind farms in the ocean.
    • Portuguese sea beds serve as a great hub for wind turbine installation
    • Portugal’s former Minister of Environment calls for the exploration of floating wind farms in the ocean

One of the most viable long-term energy production is floating wind farms in the sea. Considered by several experts at Lisbon, they noted that Portugal is in a privileged position to use it.

“With already existing technology, it would be possible to get exclusively from the ocean, all the electricity consumed in the world,” argued Professor António Sarmento of the Instituto Superior Técnico. Speaking at the conference “Generate energy for the world and preserve the planet,” organised by the Lisbon Club.

About 80% to 90% of the energy produced in the oceans is generated from wind turbines. Still, other methods like wave energy which is “a very stable and predictable source,” said the head of the offshore renewable energy company WaveC.

Tiago Pitta e Cunha, President of Oceano Azul Foundation, said, “Europe, with three times the coastline of Africa, is the most advanced continent in oceanic energy exploration”. He was also concerned about photovoltaic auctions for solar panel installations in Portugal.

Former Environment Minister and Nova University Professor Assunção Christmas noted that “starting to be able to export energy on a certain scale also depends on the political will of Portugal, which should not miss the opportunity.”

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